
Thanksgiving Trivia

November 25th, 2020

At Erickson - Aamodt Orthodontics we love learning trivia and interesting facts about Thanksgiving! This year, Drs. Erickson and Aamodt wanted to share some trivia that might help you feel a bit smarter at the holiday dinner table and help create some great conversation with friends and family. The Turkey There is no historical evidence…
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Invisalign Teen®: What Parents Should Know

November 18th, 2020

Invisalign Teen is one the newer styles of braces, and perfect for those who do not like the standard metal braces. They are available in a clear material that is practically invisible called aligners that are replaced every two weeks. The aligners are custom made for each patient and gradually straighten teeth without all of…
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Gums and Braces

November 11th, 2020

“Yes,” you’re thinking, “I shouldn’t be chewing sugary, sticky gum while I’m wearing my braces.” Or perhaps, “I should check with my orthodontist to see if this sugar-free gum is safe for my braces.” And these are both great thoughts—but today, we’re thinking about gums of a different sort! While you’ve been taking care of…
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Smile with Invisalign Teen®!

November 4th, 2020

Invisalign Teen is designed with today’s youth in mind. These clear, removable orthodontic aligners can straighten your teeth without the need for metal wires and brackets. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign Teen aligners are comfortable, nearly invisible, and removable, which allows you to remove them as you eat your favorite foods and brush and floss your…
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